Bpwise Mobile Application

Keeping up a healthy blood pressure is exceptionally vital since the higher your blood pressure is the higher your chances of having health issues are. All of your body’s vital organs, such as your brain and heart, get supplements and oxygen through your blood stream. The beating of your heart is what pushes your blood through your blood vessels permitting it to stream through your body to all your imperative organs. Your blood vessels will alter and ended up either more smaller or wide in arrange to preserve a healthy blood pressure.
An average/normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. In any case, It is worthy to be a little higher or a little lower. You’ll take note that your blood weight may vary all through the day. Changes can be caused by work out, count calories, stretch or other components. In any case, In case your blood pressure remains high for as well long it’ll start to cause an additional strain on your supply routes and heart.
High blood pressure, known as hypertension is as a rule characterized as having a blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg or higher. In the event that you take note that your blood pressure changes between ordinary ranges and higher ranges, you will be diagnosed with prehypertension. In the event that you’re analyzed with prehypertension, it is exceptionally critical to treat it as before long as conceivable to anticipate the determination from advancing into hypertension.
Increase blood pressure is usually highly impacted by:
- Family history – Having a family history of hypertension raises your chance of developing it too.
- Diet – Increased amounts of sodium (salt) and not enough potassium in your diet can cause hypertension. It is also important to incorporate foods that are lower in fat, as well as plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains into your daily diet in order to maintain a healthy blood pressure.
- Age – Blood pressure tends to increase with age
- Alcohol intake – Alcohol can cause hypertension.It is recommended that men should have no more than two drinks per day, and women only one per day.
- Weight – People who are overweight have a higher chance of developing hypertension
- How much physical activity you do – Staying active can help you maintain a healthy weight and a healthy blood pressure.
- Smoking cigarettes – Smoking cigarettes can increase your chances of developing hypertension.
- Race – Hypertension is more common in African American adults
- Gender – Before age 55 men are more likely to develop hypertension while women being more likely to develop hypertension after age 55.
- Stress – Increased stress can lead to hypertension. It is important to learn how to relax and manage your stress. Stress management techniques may include exercising, listening to music, finding something calming to focus on or meditating.

Here we have highly recognized solution to take intensive care for all age group personalities, BPWise app. BPWise app helps to track BP of a person while person is already highly involve in their day to day activity and If during any activity their BP track goes ups and down if any critical scale is going to be reached then this app will intimate user on the spot to alert and prepare accordingly. Very simple but still very important to track daily BP record to avoid all future highly disastrous healthcare issues. Users in different business verticals are already relying on this application this is a boon in healthcare industry.