Android Chat app development company

Avigma analyzes the requirements and demands of today’s time that’s the reason we are locked in totally different sorts of application advancement. These days most of the individuals incline toward to chat instead of having words on call. The alternative to chat has gotten to be exceptionally well known among individuals for casual as well as formal reason. Watching the needs of chat apps we are effectively creating such apps too to fulfill the requests of the individuals.


One-Stop Destination for Best Android Chat App Development Services

Chatting isn’t just the craze of youth but individuals lean toward it for trade as well more than calls. Our firm is effectively providing you the Android Chat App Development services within the price you’ll effortlessly manage to pay. Most of the people use android phones because it fulfills all the requests of individuals at a reasonable cost. Thus, android chat app acts as a favored choice for chatting for any reason.

Chat application basically implies continuous messages which are precisely kept on intellect in the mean time Chat Application Advancement. We put all the conceivable endeavors to create the most excellent chat application. We make beyond any doubt that all the trade requests of our clients are satisfied to at the time we create the site. We are continuously commended for our work but we never take it for allowed, indeed work harder to preserve the level of getting appreciation. We never let our clients endure due to any reason that’s the reason we see at each angles to provide you the most excellent possible comes about. Ready to be a demonstrated offer assistance for you, on the off chance that you need us to create an app for you.

What’s unique about services we are offering:
– Committed Team

– Enhanced Talents

– Well Managed Research and Development

– Absolute Client Satisfaction

– Services at Reasonable Price

– 10+ Years Experienced Developers
Avigma acts as an incredible partner for the individuals who are trying to find application development services as we have a long time of encounters within the space. Our firm is known as one of the leading Android Chat App Development Companies since of the effective ventures we have completed. We feel pleased when we take note that our clients do our mouth exposure since of the impression we have set due to our hard work and abilities. We make beyond any doubt that the app we are creating is enjoyed by the gathering of people which is our genuine reward. We are doing well within the space of Android Chat App Improvement for ages and guarantee to proceed our difficult work within the same course.



Services We are offering for Chat Applications

Whatsapp Similar App Development

As we all know, chatting apps is like Whatsapp is so much prevalent among individuals. Concurring to the report, Whatsapp contains a worldwide client base of over 2 billion individuals. The App permits clients to communicate with each other through chat. We are a leading company to create an android chat app that makes feature-rich, user-friend apps like Whatsapp


Video Chat App Development

As we are already in technologically advanced period, individuals inclined toward video-calling apps to socialize. Video Chat app permits individuals to associate through seeing each other. If you need to make a video chat app like zoom for your trade, you can approach us for all such requirements. We’ll help in making the most excellent video chat app for you.


Telegram Similar App Development

Telegram is one of the quick and dependable chat apps. The App can work indeed on destitute or low bandwidth connections. At Avigma, we offer to form chat apps like Telegram. We utilize progressed advances such as Kotlin, Java to create an amazing chat app for you.


Snapchat Similar app development

The Snapchat app permits clients to send snaps in few seconds. They can utilize distinctive channels, focal points, bitmojis, and other energizing components to form their images more attractive. We offer to make a chat app like Snapchat. You’ll be able contact us to induce the leading Android chat app development services.


Viber Like Chat App Development

Viber is one of the well known chat apps with over 2 billion clients universally. The App permits clients to send messages, and voice notes, and video calls. The App’s most appealing highlight is that it is totally free. We are a awesome group of android app designers and originators who can make chat apps like Viber for you.

Skype Similar App Development

Skype could be a prevalent chat app with highlights like content messages, video chat, and sound chat. The App has roughly 12 billion clients worldwide. You can contact us to induce a chat app improvement benefit like skype.

Why you should hire developer from avigma for chat app development?
Experienced Developers

– Experience of more than eight years

We are a qualified and certified group of developers and designers who utilize progressed apparatuses and advances such as Java, Kotlin to form feature-rich android chat apps.


– Exceptional Track Record

We have won various grants for our fabulous portable app improvement services. Our group guarantees to make an extraordinary android app advancement benefit at an reasonable price.

Integrity & Transparency

– Integrity and Transparency

We accept in total straightforwardness with our clients amid our android chat app improvement handle. Our group will give you a supervisor who will keep overhaul you around your android app improvement project. Additionally, you’ll interface with us anytime by means of chat/skype/email.

Support and Maintenance service


– Support and Maintenance service

An effective android chat app depends on its back and support benefit. The App should have bug fixes, upgrades, and convenient maintenance. We give total bolster and upkeep benefit in our android chat app improvement administrations. We guarantee to keep the App secure and secure.

app testing


– App Testing

To form a successful android chat app, there’s a necessity for appropriate testing. Testing guarantees the App is upgraded and bug-free. At Avigma, We have a group of QA engineers who will perform the app testing prepare carefully. They legitimately inspected the App until it’s a 100% bug-free app.


– 24/7 Support

We have effectively conveyed various android chat apps to clients all over the globe. On the off chance that you confront any issues with respect to android chat app advancement, you’ll contact us. We are accessible 24*7 to assist our clients.